Rising damp

Buyers of brick or masonry homes should pay particular attention to the serious building defect known as rising damp. Through capillary action, moisture can make its way up a brick wall from the ground. A breakdown in the waterproofing barrier or garden beds being constructed above an existing damp proof course can result in rising…

The great equalizer

Real estate is a very egalitarian investment option. It doesn’t matter how many university degrees you have, where you went to school, who you know or where you come from. You don’t even have to laugh at the bosses jokes. Provided you make the optimum selection your investment property will keep appreciating at a fast…

The owners corporation

Apartments and villa units are becoming the investment of choice for many Melburnians. With house prices going through the roof these types of properties provide an affordable alternative. Provided the optimum selection is made they will produce exceptional capital growth. As a result more and more Melburnians are becoming members of an owners corporation. Having…